
Calvin Preston, Staff Member 2018-2019
What an amazing first experience in the U.S.A! The only downside was the US couldn’t get any better than Med-o-lark. Some amazing opportunities are available at camp, and I would, and have, recommended it to all of my friends. 

Kay Hudson, Staff Member 2017-2019
One of the best places I have ever lived and worked! Coming over to work in a different country can be daunting but I could not have felt more welcomed and embraced by Med-o-lark and everyone in it. The campers are all one of a kind and I am so grateful to have been able to be a part of their camp experience. 

Michael Steinberg, Parent 2012-Present
Camp Med-o-lark has provided my three kids amazing memories and friends for over 12 years and counting. It has been the perfect place for them to unwind from the fast pace of the school year. The Med-o-lark staff provides a nurturing setting and tailored schedule to allow campers to thrive at their own pace. A true community setting makes this place like none other.

Emily Roy, Parent 2019-Present
From the moment our daughter walked into Med-o-lark, she became a member of the family. Camp Med-o-lark truly is her happy place. When she is there, she is really able to be herself. Over the past few years, she has explored making candles, learning how to do Circus Arts, how to sew, how to cook, being a part of many musicals and plays, and truly growing as a child. She has made amazing friends. We are so happy to be a member of the Camp Med-o-lark family.

Catherine Hoye, Camper 2012-2014 and Staff Member 2015-2021
My six summers at Med-o-lark have had a deep and lasting impact on who I am and where I want to go in life. As a first-time camper in 2013, I had no idea that it would keep me coming back up to a seventh summer and fourth year as a counselor. The talented, hard-working, kind campers that Med-O-Lark attracts are why I’ve decided to go into teaching and why I come back every year. You will meet truly incredible people at this camp from all over the world, and even make lifelong friends. I would recommend to anyone that they attend Med-o-lark.

Porter Hahn, Staff Member 2018-2019
I’ve absolutely loved teaching guitar and recording studio two summers at Med-o-lark. There’s such a wide breadth of artistic pursuits offered, the campers really have a chance to discover a passion or talent they aren’t typically exposed to (e.g. hot glass, flying trapeze, etc…). In my short time here, I’ve made some of the greatest friends I’ve ever had – and I know many campers feel the same way (my younger sister included). Lasting friendships and creative, artistic freedom are extremely important to me personally – and are what make Med-o-lark a special place.

Max Plottel, Camper 2013-2017, Staff Member 2018-2019
Going to Camp Med-o-lark changed my life. Heading to Maine for the first time as chubby, talkative, and reserved 12 year old boy, I joined a community that supported me unconditionally and made friendships with people across the world that I cherish today. At camp, I learned the joys of being active, playing soccer every cool time, learning to sail, and overcoming my fear of failure flying on the trapeze. In addition, I took incredible arts classes in Hot Glass, Candles, and Woodturning, which I would never be able to do at home. Beyond the incredible classes, the most amazing thing abut Camp Med-o-lark is the community. Accepting, empathetic, kind, caring, and loving do not do justice to the community that exists at Med-o-lark. At camp I did not just summer, but truly grew up.

Carole Rosbruch, Parent
Scott and the Med-o-lark family have been a part of our lives for more than 10 years! My kids and nieces have spent all of those summers learning, growing, exploring individualism, as well as, group dynamics and progression. They have experienced independence and guidance. They have been/are, campers, leaders and counselors. The skills and attributes they have gained at Med-o-lark have carried over into every aspect of their lives from friends and family, to the university, courage to travel and study abroad, and even to their role in the Army! It couldn’t have happened without the love, guidance and professionalism from the Med-o-lark Family. Overnight camp is supposed to be the best adventure of growth, development in a safe and encouraging environment. We truly, could not have asked, expected or appreciate the Med-o-lark journey of life experiences, any more than we do. I would love to attend Med-o-lark myself!!

Abby Colen, Parent 2011-2015 and 2016-2023
Our daughters have gone to Med-o-lark for the past ten years and it has become their “happy place” and their home away from home. I have no doubt that these summers are creating the most treasured childhood memories for them—ones that will be with them forever. They have made wonderful, lifelong friendships with kids from all over the country and the world, and keep in touch with these friends during the year. The staff has figured out how to both foster independence and build a strong sense of community for the campers, where all feel included and proud to be a part of the Med-o-lark family. I feel completely confident that the wonderful camp staff is taking care of all of the campers’ needs and if I ever have a need to get in touch with them, they always make themselves available. I can’t recommend this camp highly enough and I am thankful it has been a part of their childhood experience. They are counting the days until the bus leaves for Maine.

Mary Kelly, Staff Member 2019
I had a fantastic time working as a Counsellor at Med-o-lark this past summer! Coming from Ireland, where we have nothing like the ‘traditional American camping experience’, I really wasn’t sure what to expect. However, I need not have worried at all. Scott, Brendan, Missy, Laura and Jody welcomed me with open arms, the same way they welcome every single person at Med-o-lark, be they campers, parents or staff. I was blown away by the facilities and the range of activites offered at camp, everything from water-skiing to candle making – amazing! The people at camp were some of the loveliest I’ve ever met, and everyone, from Scott right down to the youngest camper, was genuinely enjoying themselves in an environment where everyone had the opportunity to be themselves and have fun. All the kids that I had the pleasure of working with were a credit to their families, and never failed to make me enjoy work as a counsellor. I couldn’t recommend a summer at Med-o-lark highly enough! 

Alejandro Termini, Camper and Junior Counselor 2010-2016
Hello, my name is Alejandro Termini. I’m currently 22 years old and I went to camp for seven summers in a row; from 2010 to 2016. Med-o-lark will always be the happiest place and time in my memory. Whenever I want to feel happy, I just close my eyes and I remember… being at the waterfront during cool time and jumping into the water… and the laughing… and the friendships… and how free I felt to just be myself. Throughout the year, during middle school and high school, I often daydreamed about being at camp. Med-o-lark is a place of tolerance, respect and peace, and, for me, camp was the one place were people accepted and valued me for who I was. I discovered my passion for humanities when I was a junior counsellor and I was taught ethics by Jody; this lead me to end up studying literature and creative writing, and in a couple months I will receive my bachelor’s degree. A thousand words aren’t enough to start describing how important and meaningful Med-o-lark has been to me.

Samantha Huss, Camper 2011-2017, Staff Member 2019-2020
Camp Med-o-lark has been a second home for me for over seven years. The experiences that I’ve had at camp have all been extraordinary, from the countless friends that have supported and grown with me to the amazing activities which have opened my mind to so many hobbies and skills. My camp experience started when I was ten years old. The idea of sleep away camp was, admittedly, a scary thought, but as soon as I stepped onto the Med-o-lark site in Washington, Maine (a breathtaking scene), I was welcomed by smiling, kind counselors and campers and immediately knew this was a special place. Throughout my years as a camper, I learned how to paint, make candles, create clothing, act, waterski, fly on the trapeze, take and develop film photos in a dark room, live with and support other girls my age, grow independently and with my fellow campers. Med-o-lark has been an incredible experience for me and I would recommend it to anyone looking for the perfect place to spend their summers.

Lisa Ammon, Parent 2018-Present
My kids have been coming to Camp Med-o-lark, their happy place as they call it, for 6 years now. My daughter Juliette, now works at the camp and LOVES it! She stays in great touch with her friends throughout the year and loves being outside in nature and surrounded by love, music, fun and incredible friendships. This past summer Camp Med-o-lark literally changed my younger daughter, Cosette’s life. She was incredibly nervous to go, after only having been once and during Covid. When I tell you that she didn’t want to come home after 4 weeks, I am not exaggerating. This child, who was anxious to stay home alone, now takes the train to go to New York City by herself to visit her camp friends. She gained so much independence this past summer and made friends that she spends hours on end on the phone with weekly. You cannot imagine how many stories, filled with laughter that we have listened to since the girls have come home, they are both counting the days until camp starts in June. I am so thankful that they have both found this magical, loving, beautiful, safe haven away from home. They will never forget these glorious Maine summers. I am forever grateful to all of you for changing my children’s lives, truly.